Thursday, December 17, 2015


Hey all, a new game is on Steam that is worth your money if you like planes and building!

It is called Simpleplanes. It is a game in which you design and construct your own aircraft and then you can fly around, race them, dogfight with them (or against them) and you can even try your hand at evading Surface-to-Air missiles! I have already logged a few hours and I can say it is one of the most satisfying games ever. It isn't very immersive, however. I feel that Immersion is important in a flight simulator. Still, I say go take a gander!


Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Hey everyone. Update here.

I haven't been posting youtube videos very much. This isn't because of any sort of issue, I just haven't felt a need to. I want to increase the quality of my content before I upload any more of it. A few Ideas I have are for "how to draw" tutorials and Anime reviews.

How to draw tutorials will wait a bit (Until I can draw well consistently) But I may begin to do Anime reviews. I would like to make them about 8+ minutes long, relatively well put together, and comedic. No, I won't show my face (yet, however my face is probably on the internet somewhere) I will be using a drawn character to represent me, inspired by I Hate Everything and Rickkmurray's Movie reviews.

Hope you guys can look forward to my content in the future, and check out my drawings on Twitter!


Friday, December 11, 2015

My regular day

I am posting this because I wanted another post this week and nobody will care anyway :P

1. Get yelled at for oversleeping
2. Somehow make it to school on time
3. Build a robot
4. Skype my friends
5. Do school things
6. Go home
7. Do homework/draw/play From the Depths
8. Go to bed far too late

And that is my day. K bye

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Drawing (and another Twitter vehicle)

Hey everyone!

I have been drawing a lot recently. I decided that I want to show what I have been making! Blogger isn't Normally the place for that IMO, so I will be posting them to twitter. You will like them. Or maybe you won't. I'm not a psychologist.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Clip Studio or Flash CC?

Hello everyone, I am in a bit of a difficult decision. I am deciding on whether to get Clip Studio Paint, or Adobe Flash CC.

Clip Studio is a one-time payment, but is expensive as four months of CC. To be honest, I find CSP easier to work with than CC, but CSP cannot animate (easily) I figure that I will ask for CSP for Christmas, and when I get a job, I will probably get CC and begin animating. Shoutout to the people who make Clip Studio, It is great software with a relatively cheap one-time payment. Unlike some companies with subscriptions, but I won't name any names. Isn't that right

From the Depths is Awesome

Play From the Depths. Right now. Immediately. Don't have money? Get a job. Because this game is worth your free time.

Build voxel-based battleships, fighter planes, helicopters, airships, aircraft carriers, flying aircraft carriers, spaceships, space-airships, space fighters, satellites; The list goes on and on and on. Then have them fight each other. Use cannons, machine guns, missiles, torpedoes, Laz0rs, and other weapons- all totally customizable. PLAY THIS GAME!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Hiatus. Why? Because Thanksgiving! (Oh and a vehicle for my friend's YouTube channel)

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a tasty thanksgiving; I know I did!

I am back to posting regularly (Until Christmas break) So I will talk about some things. Hmm... What should I talk about? I haven't a clue! :P

Anyway, You should check out my friend's YouTube channel! Her videos are pretty funny. You will like them, or your money back!

*Hmm? what's that? 
*Watching YouTube is free?*
*What about YouTube Red?*
*Nobody who is sane is using that?*

*Huh. I guess we are stuck.*
*No, we don't need to tell them*
*Come, on, let's just keep quiet and no one is the wiser*

Friday, November 20, 2015

Animating and Game development

Animation is hard. This is known by anybody who animates.
I may be uploading a short animation sometime this month. It is simple and short (But funny) I hope you enjoy it.

Also, I have been thinking of ideas for games to make. I had an idea to create a momentum-based fighting game. Think Sonic the Hedgehog's movement (In the early games, not these awful new ones) combined with 1v1 local fighting. I have a lot of things to work out before I even start on it (Engine etc.) but who knows? maybe I will actually put something out!


Watch out - Microsoft products might make Bing/MSN your defaults

The title pretty much sums this up.
When installing things like Office, OneNote, or Skype, somewhere in the bowels of the installer there are two buttons. One makes BIng your default search engine. The other makes MSN your homepage. Both are checked by default. This is the tactic that adware uses to get on your PC. It is the sort of thing that makes me lose trust in companies like Microsoft. It targets ignorant people who quickly click through the installer and then wonder what on earth happened to their browser.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Follow for follow on Twitter

Why? That is all that I ask.
Why do people do follow-for-follow on twitter and other social media? I haven't a clue. The only people that I follow are my friends and people that I enjoy viewing on youtube. Random follow for follow requests are primarily annoying. Some of them are people who will follow you, ask you to follow them, and then if you don't, they unfollow you. No content creator want this, because these people just want your follow. They don't follow you because they enjoy your content.

Other f4f people will follow you and then they won't ask you for a follow. A lot of people will follow these accounts back out of the goodness of their heart. After a while these accounts will unfollow you in the hope that you will forget to unfollow them back. they get a free follower while not having to follow anybody.

So be on the lookout for these accounts. check your follows regularly, and enjoy twitter knowing that you have been enriched by these important facts.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Follow me everywhere


Just to let you know, I am on social media other than Blogger. this includes: Twitter, YouTube, Scratch, Roblox, and Twitch.

On Twitter, I post my dumb thoughts about random things. On Youtube, I upload edited videos. On Scratch and Roblox, I share games that I have made. I... really don't do anything on Twitch. Most of these sites I am active on regularly.

(Insert More shameless vehicles here)

Flash Trial over

Hello. My trial is over for Adobe Flash. I hate the Creative Cloud business model. I am not alone, either. Many animator have just gone over to older suites like CS3 through torrenting. They seem to be just as functional as CC and without the awful business model. The subscription has turned many people off of the software. Those who are not have no alternative in sight. This sort of thing could be referred to as a monopoly. I think that goes too far, though.


Side Note: Plz stahp Adobe ._, 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Flash Animation

Hello once again.

I have been making small attempts at animation and such in adobe flash. I have been trying it primarily due to my trial running out soon. I have recently scraped together enough for a subscription but I would like to keep using it for free. As many others say, "Creative Cloud has done for Creativity what the Creative Cloud has done for Industrial Sewage Management- Absolutely Nothing." But who knows? I may have something to show for my practice eventually! New pictures going up on Twitter soon.

Side note: Don't go inverted in a downwards-vectoring VTOL. It doesn't go well.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Profile pictures

Hey everyone. I post one blog after another just because that is how I roll.

I have been drawing profile pictures for my friends as flash practice, and WOW it is difficult. I suck at three things when it comes to drawing. 1. Faces, 2. Hands, and 3. Proportions. So this has been going well. It takes a long time, but I guess i need to start somewhere if I want to animate in flash. But until then, I had better get in all the practice I can.


Projects and updates!

Hooray, an update blog and still very little content to show for my hiatus.
Hello again.

As you may know, I am the biggest procrastinator when it comes to YouTube. I say that I am doing something and then I forget, lose interest, etc. However, I may make a short in Blockland that shouldn't take too long. I do Blockland skits with my friends sometimes so I figured I might as well put some of them on YouTube! Hope you enjoy (If I ever make them)

                                Side note: Stop putting signatures on YouTube comments for the LOVE OF GOD

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

What is Thrust Vectoring?

Hello. This is a shorter blog than usual. My friend irritated me with a rather uneducated argument about jet engines, especially the one to be mounted on the F-35. He hadn't any idea what he was talking about so I will create a quick explanation here to vent.

Thrust vectoring is the manipulation of the thrust from an engine to direct an aircraft or spacecraft. The gimbal of the engine can direct the thrust downwards to push the aircraft's nose down as well. On aircraft this is used in conjunction with the control surfaces. On many spacecraft the gimbal is the only means of control other than the reaction wheels. Thrust vectoring is not used on propellers. Also, thrust vectoring is not the manipulation of thrusted air after it leave the engine. This should clear up some of the misconceptions.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Infomercial Knockoff

Hello all!

A week or so ago, I created a commercial with some classmates. I am debating whether or not to upload it to my channel. It came out relatively well, and earned a Best in Class award. We all worked hard on it. Personally, I was editor and cameraman. My classmates acted and voiced the commercial. It is for a product called the Paper Holderoo. If I do upload it, I do hope you enjoy!


Why Does Downloadable Content Exist?

Hello again.

We all know about DLC- the endless miniature expansions packets to our favorite video games. Or in EA's case, DLC is making a game, ripping half of the game apart, and turning that into the DLC. This sort of behavior is just as bad as microtransactions. Paying $60 for a game- sorry, $59.99, and sitting down to play it, just to have it throw something at you that says "Buy the 'insert title here' Exclusive DLC for just $32.99", Is just atrocious behavior on the developer's part. Yet another reason that EA is the second worst company in America.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Hey  guys!

My friend and I finally got together and recorded a video! It is another Blockland recording server video. It went up on Monday on my YouTube channel. Also, if you want to see the video from another perspective, he will be editing and posting his own version on his channel! We worked very hard on this video, so we would love if you would take a peek! This one looks better than my old videos, because I got my hands on Adobe Premiere. Hope you enjoy!


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Kerbal Space Program and Recording!

Hello Again everybody! I tend to do three posts per week but I end up doing them all in one day, because that is how I roll!

A few of you know that I play Kerbal Space Program. A few of you also know that I really only use atmospheric aircraft while playing. Jets are fun to play with and (as I said before) are a nice form of escapism for me. I personally fly aircraft twice a month, so I fill the gaps with KSP.

On another note, I am finally going to be recording with my friend this weekend, so expect a video on that in the coming weeks! It will probably be Blockland or Garry's Mod, the games we play most. Have a nice evening!

News flash: The F-35 Isn't Great

I feel like talking about planes.

I also feel a need to discuss the most expensive military project ever. The F-35 Lightning has been the Air Force's "Look at how high-tech we are" Aircraft for a while. Many people who follow aviation news will also know that it is absolutely inferior to our current aircraft. For example: In dogfight testing test pilots claim that the F-35 loses every time to the F-16 Fighting Falcon, which it is supposed to be replacing. Sure, it will still win dogfights, sure it will do alright, but it won't do its job as well as a dedicated aircraft. Also, This means the generalizing of our Air Force. No A-10, No F-16, No F-22... This blog seems to be turning into my rant zone. Oh well.


Youtube Video!

Hello everybody.

It has been a while, but I finally released another video, but I finally released a video. this one is just a short Cinematic that I made in a couple of hours. It involves a jet battle in Kerbal Space Program. The image quality isn't great because of my computer's limits, but I am getting a new one soon! You can find the link here: Go check it out! These sorts of things are my form of escapism. For the next one, I am thinking something along the lines of high-altitiude combat. Hope you enjoy!


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

About Those Videos...

Hello again.

I have not posted the videos that I told you I would before. Namely because my friend who records with me (I am not funny by myself) has been offline. I hope to get these videos out eventually. On the other hand, I finished a rough script for that project that I was talking about! I am very proud of it, and NO you cannot see it yet. When it is done, it will be on YouTube.


Nintendo And Their 30% YouTube Revenue Cut

Hello again.

Anybody who watches YouTubers that display Nintendo content in their videos should already know about this. Nintendo seems to really dislike people creating videos about their games. Early in 2013, when the YouTube Content ID System was beginning to take hold, Nintendo began flagging as many videos featuring their content as they could. This created a massive backlash from the YouTube community, which brought a halt to their flags. Nintendo has now created a "Creator Program" in which a Youtuber must register their videos into Nintendo's own system which takes 40 to 30% of the ad revenue. This is bad for YouTubers, and it really is just bad for Nintendo, because this discourages users from displaying Nintendo games. YouTube is like free advertising for your games, and Nintendo is trying to cash in on it in the wrong way.


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Rest In Peace, Yogi Berra.

I come to you with sad news.

Baseball catcher and famous quip-maker Yogi Berra died of natural causes yesterday at the age of 90. This is very sad news. His "Yogi-isms" have inspired many, including myself. He once said "You can observe a lot by just watching", and "If you come to a fork in the road, take it." We will all miss Yogi Berra. He was the best catcher ever to play the game. He said "It ain't over 'till it's over", and it isn't over for yogi yet. Before he died, he told a reporter, "It was a great run. I'd do it all over again if I could." Thanks Yogi.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Chinese Jet Performs "Dangerous Maneuver" Near American Plane

Hello all, yet another blog post.

I recently heard that a Chinese fighter jet was flying near an american RC-135 surveillance plane over the yellow sea. It performed a maneuver the frightened the RC_135's aircrew. This seems to have happened right after the Chinese Leader visited America for peace talks. Chinese Air Force pilots have done these sorts of maneuvers near American aircraft before, normally performing a knifing maneuver to show off their wing-mounted weaponry. I hope nothing sparks between China and us, but things as small as this don't tend to do much politics-wise.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Look, Electronic Arts Did Something Stupid

Let's talk about EA.

Besides being voted the Worst Company in America. (a title it very much deserves) It may not have created oil spills or logged entire forested areas or anything, but it just has its own ways of making people angry out of their minds. In a Game called "Dungeon Keeper Mobile", a mobile version of the classic game from the 90's, EA has shoved as many microtransactions as possible into it in any which way imaginable. In it, you have workers mine out a dungeon for you. simple, right? but it takes several hours or even days to do these tasks unless you float EA a bit of cash. The game's designer, Jeff Skalski, has such perfect logic to justify it as well: Apparently, the game is "designed as a free-to-play title where players can commit time or money towards their play experience, and every piece of content in the game is accessible without having to spend a dime." Fat chance. His logic is so vague it isn't even funny. Good job, Jeff. Really. We're just applauding like crazy over here.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Updates and things

Hello everyone.

So I am currently working on a big project that I do not want to disclose info on. However, I will be posting a few videos on YouTube to fill the gaps. Trust me, there has been a pretty big gap. I just tend to forget about doing YouTube videos from time to time. Part of that is due to school, part of it is from social life, and part of it is just my own darn laziness. But this project is something that I do not want to fade away, so I am going to keep working on it and finish it. It will be short (Only about 2 minutes), but I thing you will like it.

Also, I am finally going to be able to portforward, so I can create servers. I have also received a static IP address, which will be useful. Again, I apologize for my lack of content, and I hope to be back to making things soon.

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Minecraft sells 20 Million across PC/Mac, and 70 Million total

Hello everyone, just wanted to make an update.

So I happened to be browsing the internet earlier, and decided to visit the Minecraft website. On Minecraft's website, there is a counter that displays how many people have purchased it for their computers. This evening, that number was 20,851,230 Copies. This fascinated me, so I looked up the number of copies sold across all platforms. I found that over Seventy Million have been sold. This means that more people have purchased Minecraft than do live in France. Take that, France!


School Time!

Hey guys, Conf here.

Well, it has been a while hasn't it? I thought my dead spot between my older videos was long, but now it's been the whole summer. I figure my being offline hasn't affected anything majorly, due to not having any YouTube subscribers outside of my friends (Thanks guys :P) In the meantime, School is back in session. I transferred schools as well! Expect this blog (And my channel in general) to return!

Friday, May 29, 2015

End of May Update

Hey Everyone!

Summer is just around the corner, and that means free time! Time away from school and homework. This is great, because it means that I will have much more time to make videos (If I am not Lazy) and hopefully grow this YouTube channel.

I recently released the trailer for my new series, Kerbellion (It came out really well, go have a look) and will be releasing some short clips of me playing games. If something humorous happens, I'll record it and post it. If I am too lazy to talk, there may just be text on-screen. If anyone is reading this, thanks for checking  me out!

Random Thought: My computer and VideoPad do not get along.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Video Drought

Hello everyone!
The first post in a while.

First off, my internet went out the day that I was going to record for our monthly funny moments. which sucked. But hey, in the video I said it was about a 14% chance! :) So there was no video, and their hasn't been for at least three weeks. more on that later.

Before I discuss the drought, I have some updates on how I am going to do things.
The recording server will have a URL to my YouTube channel, where all the funny moments videos will be posted.
I am going to do some videos about things that I think need discussion. I know no one will really listen due to me having a very small following, but that is something I hope to get past.

Now, onto the drought. First thing's first, I have absolutely no schedule whatsoever for my videos. this may change in the far future. Some weeks you will get three videos. sometimes you will get none. middle school has me on edge. We just finished science fair, which means I should get some videos done IF my math class doesn't go too for on homework. You do not need to know this at all.

But with that cleared up, I hope you enjoy whatever content I am able to post.
You can also find me on Roblox, Scratch, and Steam under the same name. See you all this week!

Confidentbottle signing off.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

No Terraria video this Week

Hello Everyone!

A bit of a short post today.

      For this week, due to complications with homework (GRRR) I will not have enough time to make a Terraria video until next week (at least not a full size one). Never Fear, though, the Blockland Server will still open this weekend!

Confidentbottle Signing off.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Blockland Recording Server coming Back online January 17-18!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my new gaming blog!

      This is where I will post new info and updates about my YouTube channel, answer questions, and let you know when I will be recording for anyone who wants to come online with me!

     As some people who watch my Videos may know, I posted a montage of my recording server on Blockland back in early december. If you have not seen it, go check it out. It came out very well and was my first Major edited video. Roughly five hours of work went into it's creation. Then, about two minutes into processing it, though, my computer decided to go BLAAGH and crash. And Videopad's backup feature decided not to work. Hooray. So I was forced to reedit the video which took ANOTHER five hours over the course of three days due to homework (We recorded about three hours worth of footage and editing that down was a pain in the neck.) So the video's upload was delayed by about a week, so I made a Terraria video to bridge the gap.

      But now, the recording server is coming back! Either on the 17th or 18th of the month, i will be setting it back up. I hope to turn it into a truly monthly series. a terraria video should come out either next or this week, so stay tuned!

       Confidentbottle Signing off.