Thursday, January 28, 2016

Videos! (And a video editor)

Hey everyone!
I recently acquired a video editor *Screams and cheers of applause* that isn't a trial version! this means that I cam make youtube videos properly!

While waiting for inspiration for what to make, I recorded some of my shenanigans in From the Depths. and uploaded them into three videos. none have commentary, I don't think it was necessary. :)

My first recent video was about the very first iteration of what are being called "CRAM Cannons" Which are just huge railway guns. However, in the first version, there were placeholder variables for firerate and recoil. this made anything using them be blasted away comically (Even battleships) and it made for some good fun before being patched. It also cleared 100 views in two days! Woo!

The second video was much shorter, showing the new version of Cram Cannons, which can obliterate anything. The video shows a Sea Viper take a single potshot at a Bayleaf, and then the Bayleaf opens up with a full broadside, disintegrating the Viper in one volley.

The third and most recent video showed the fun you can have with the new physics sliders. I'm not going to explain this one, I think you should see it for yourself.

Go check them out on my channel!


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Youtube's Recommended System

Have you noticed how awful youtube's recommendation system is?

It always recommends things like Buzzfeed or Minecraft videos even though I have never watched those sorts of videos. Do you know why they do this? It's because these are the videos that make youtube all of its money. YouTube doesn't care what you want to watch - they care about money made by what they want you to watch.
Don't watch recommended videos because it shows YouTube that they work.


Deviantart (Again)


I've been posting on deviantart a lot recently. If you want to see a bunch of manga that i've been drawing you can take a look over there. I try to upload a piece once a week, or if I doodle I'll upload those whenever. Go take a look! I really have been enjoying drawing, and I hope that you enjoy mine!


Channel Restart Soon!

Hey all!

My reboot of my channel will be coming soon. As such I will be preparing for this over the course of a week or so. I have yet to make my first new video, and I intend for the reboot to start upon uploading said video, so it won't be for a week or two. I will be keeping my old videos up on my channel because they do have some entertaining content, just not so much of the sort that I will be focusing on in the future.

My signature is over here! What is this madness?

Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy New Year! Channel update!

Hello everybody!

2016 is upon us now!. Hard to think that we are this far into the decade already. 2015 was a good year for myself, I hope it was a good one for whomever is reading this!

I might be starting my YouTube channel back up within the month. It will be taking a much different path than before, and I have primarily been experimenting with my YouTube channel since it began. First, I tried Let's plays (My Terraria series) after that I tried gaming montages (Which are still fun to make and I will definitely continue with those) And I then tried text-based comedy (Similar to Danny2462 and other comedy-based KSP youtubers) and now I will try a new channel direction!

This time around, I want to make videos that are primarily script-based reviews. Not of movies or games per se, just about things on the internet. These could be anime reviews, explanations of internet phenomenons, video responses, and eventually how-to-draw videos. I also want to create animations eventually.

So if you are at all interested in my channel, stick around! I might be back soon!


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

DeviantArt Plug

Hi everyone! I'll be posting a proper blog in a while covering the Christmas break and the New Year!

For now, I just wanted to tell you that I have created a DeviantArt account, and I will be posting all of my art there instead of on Twitter. Twitter is now just a place where I say what i'm doing and complain about things. I may still use Twitter to post WIP artwork that will be posted to DeviantArt later.
