Thursday, October 15, 2015

Infomercial Knockoff

Hello all!

A week or so ago, I created a commercial with some classmates. I am debating whether or not to upload it to my channel. It came out relatively well, and earned a Best in Class award. We all worked hard on it. Personally, I was editor and cameraman. My classmates acted and voiced the commercial. It is for a product called the Paper Holderoo. If I do upload it, I do hope you enjoy!


Why Does Downloadable Content Exist?

Hello again.

We all know about DLC- the endless miniature expansions packets to our favorite video games. Or in EA's case, DLC is making a game, ripping half of the game apart, and turning that into the DLC. This sort of behavior is just as bad as microtransactions. Paying $60 for a game- sorry, $59.99, and sitting down to play it, just to have it throw something at you that says "Buy the 'insert title here' Exclusive DLC for just $32.99", Is just atrocious behavior on the developer's part. Yet another reason that EA is the second worst company in America.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Hey  guys!

My friend and I finally got together and recorded a video! It is another Blockland recording server video. It went up on Monday on my YouTube channel. Also, if you want to see the video from another perspective, he will be editing and posting his own version on his channel! We worked very hard on this video, so we would love if you would take a peek! This one looks better than my old videos, because I got my hands on Adobe Premiere. Hope you enjoy!


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Kerbal Space Program and Recording!

Hello Again everybody! I tend to do three posts per week but I end up doing them all in one day, because that is how I roll!

A few of you know that I play Kerbal Space Program. A few of you also know that I really only use atmospheric aircraft while playing. Jets are fun to play with and (as I said before) are a nice form of escapism for me. I personally fly aircraft twice a month, so I fill the gaps with KSP.

On another note, I am finally going to be recording with my friend this weekend, so expect a video on that in the coming weeks! It will probably be Blockland or Garry's Mod, the games we play most. Have a nice evening!

News flash: The F-35 Isn't Great

I feel like talking about planes.

I also feel a need to discuss the most expensive military project ever. The F-35 Lightning has been the Air Force's "Look at how high-tech we are" Aircraft for a while. Many people who follow aviation news will also know that it is absolutely inferior to our current aircraft. For example: In dogfight testing test pilots claim that the F-35 loses every time to the F-16 Fighting Falcon, which it is supposed to be replacing. Sure, it will still win dogfights, sure it will do alright, but it won't do its job as well as a dedicated aircraft. Also, This means the generalizing of our Air Force. No A-10, No F-16, No F-22... This blog seems to be turning into my rant zone. Oh well.


Youtube Video!

Hello everybody.

It has been a while, but I finally released another video, but I finally released a video. this one is just a short Cinematic that I made in a couple of hours. It involves a jet battle in Kerbal Space Program. The image quality isn't great because of my computer's limits, but I am getting a new one soon! You can find the link here: Go check it out! These sorts of things are my form of escapism. For the next one, I am thinking something along the lines of high-altitiude combat. Hope you enjoy!
