Thursday, April 28, 2016

Enjoying Tower Unite

Hey everyone!

I've been playing Tower Unite quite a bit recently, and I think its time to share a full review of the current early access iteration, and what I really enjoy about the game. For now, i'll mainly be focusing on issues with the game for this part of the review though.

First off, the condo system.
I like the condos, but I have a few complaints.

  • You're inside a skyscraper but your condo is at the beach, and not really a "condo" at all. It would be nice if you could at least choose what was outside your condo (i.e. the plaza below)
  • There isn't a roof. What if it rains?
  • Video players are relatively low FPS, but that may be my game in general
  • Customizable floorplans haven't been implemented to my knowledge
Next, the plaza.
Again, I like the plaza, but there are some things that annoy me.
  • You can get stuck in plaza seats sometimes
  • Players tend to bring confetti guns into the theater and ruin the whole experience
  • Movies are often laggy, similar to condo media. Its far from unwatchable, but the stutter is noticable.
  • Its hard to join a game world from the plaza because very few people join from the plaza, and you can only join gameworlds with people in the same plaza as you
On to Game Worlds.
First, Minigolf:
  • You can get stuck on some holes in various spots
  • Altitude is much more challenging than other courses. This may be intentional, but it's quite nice as a change of pace
Next, Ball Race:
  • Like Minigolf, you can get stuck in some places
  • Lag sometimes makes levels unbeatable
  • physics can be jenky at some points
Next, Virus:
  • Virus is a lot more fast-paced than it was in GMT. I like it more this way.
  • Dynamite is hard to predict the landing area of
  • Infected can sometimes spawn in the group of survivors
  • On hospital, everyone camps at the vending machines
I'll talk about Planet Panic more later, once I've played it.

Well, that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

From the Depths Discord

Hello everyone!

I recently made a Discord server for From the Depths, that you can hop onto and check out!

I'll be there to answer questions, show designs, and help with your games if I can.

If you play From The Depths or just want to contact me, come on over here. I'm fairly active and will try to keep in touch with you as much as I can.

To join, just click this link:


Tower Unite Early Access

Hello everyone!

Recently, the creators of GMod Tower, Pixeltail Games, released a spiritual successor to GMT on Steam Early Access, named Tower Unite. So far, I have been really enjoying it.

For those that don't know what I'm talking about, GMod tower was a gamemode for Garry's mod that added in a social-life simulator with lots of minigames. Tower unite is essentially a standalone version of that.

Tower has no microtransactions (Which is a sad thing to be able to use as a valid selling point these days) and no subscriptions. It is just a single purchase for the whole game. Even in this early, unpolished and incomplete stage, what is there is very fun. I can easily see myself coming back to the game.

I'll go into more detail on it later!