Wednesday, September 30, 2015

About Those Videos...

Hello again.

I have not posted the videos that I told you I would before. Namely because my friend who records with me (I am not funny by myself) has been offline. I hope to get these videos out eventually. On the other hand, I finished a rough script for that project that I was talking about! I am very proud of it, and NO you cannot see it yet. When it is done, it will be on YouTube.


Nintendo And Their 30% YouTube Revenue Cut

Hello again.

Anybody who watches YouTubers that display Nintendo content in their videos should already know about this. Nintendo seems to really dislike people creating videos about their games. Early in 2013, when the YouTube Content ID System was beginning to take hold, Nintendo began flagging as many videos featuring their content as they could. This created a massive backlash from the YouTube community, which brought a halt to their flags. Nintendo has now created a "Creator Program" in which a Youtuber must register their videos into Nintendo's own system which takes 40 to 30% of the ad revenue. This is bad for YouTubers, and it really is just bad for Nintendo, because this discourages users from displaying Nintendo games. YouTube is like free advertising for your games, and Nintendo is trying to cash in on it in the wrong way.


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Rest In Peace, Yogi Berra.

I come to you with sad news.

Baseball catcher and famous quip-maker Yogi Berra died of natural causes yesterday at the age of 90. This is very sad news. His "Yogi-isms" have inspired many, including myself. He once said "You can observe a lot by just watching", and "If you come to a fork in the road, take it." We will all miss Yogi Berra. He was the best catcher ever to play the game. He said "It ain't over 'till it's over", and it isn't over for yogi yet. Before he died, he told a reporter, "It was a great run. I'd do it all over again if I could." Thanks Yogi.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Chinese Jet Performs "Dangerous Maneuver" Near American Plane

Hello all, yet another blog post.

I recently heard that a Chinese fighter jet was flying near an american RC-135 surveillance plane over the yellow sea. It performed a maneuver the frightened the RC_135's aircrew. This seems to have happened right after the Chinese Leader visited America for peace talks. Chinese Air Force pilots have done these sorts of maneuvers near American aircraft before, normally performing a knifing maneuver to show off their wing-mounted weaponry. I hope nothing sparks between China and us, but things as small as this don't tend to do much politics-wise.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Look, Electronic Arts Did Something Stupid

Let's talk about EA.

Besides being voted the Worst Company in America. (a title it very much deserves) It may not have created oil spills or logged entire forested areas or anything, but it just has its own ways of making people angry out of their minds. In a Game called "Dungeon Keeper Mobile", a mobile version of the classic game from the 90's, EA has shoved as many microtransactions as possible into it in any which way imaginable. In it, you have workers mine out a dungeon for you. simple, right? but it takes several hours or even days to do these tasks unless you float EA a bit of cash. The game's designer, Jeff Skalski, has such perfect logic to justify it as well: Apparently, the game is "designed as a free-to-play title where players can commit time or money towards their play experience, and every piece of content in the game is accessible without having to spend a dime." Fat chance. His logic is so vague it isn't even funny. Good job, Jeff. Really. We're just applauding like crazy over here.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Updates and things

Hello everyone.

So I am currently working on a big project that I do not want to disclose info on. However, I will be posting a few videos on YouTube to fill the gaps. Trust me, there has been a pretty big gap. I just tend to forget about doing YouTube videos from time to time. Part of that is due to school, part of it is from social life, and part of it is just my own darn laziness. But this project is something that I do not want to fade away, so I am going to keep working on it and finish it. It will be short (Only about 2 minutes), but I thing you will like it.

Also, I am finally going to be able to portforward, so I can create servers. I have also received a static IP address, which will be useful. Again, I apologize for my lack of content, and I hope to be back to making things soon.

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Minecraft sells 20 Million across PC/Mac, and 70 Million total

Hello everyone, just wanted to make an update.

So I happened to be browsing the internet earlier, and decided to visit the Minecraft website. On Minecraft's website, there is a counter that displays how many people have purchased it for their computers. This evening, that number was 20,851,230 Copies. This fascinated me, so I looked up the number of copies sold across all platforms. I found that over Seventy Million have been sold. This means that more people have purchased Minecraft than do live in France. Take that, France!


School Time!

Hey guys, Conf here.

Well, it has been a while hasn't it? I thought my dead spot between my older videos was long, but now it's been the whole summer. I figure my being offline hasn't affected anything majorly, due to not having any YouTube subscribers outside of my friends (Thanks guys :P) In the meantime, School is back in session. I transferred schools as well! Expect this blog (And my channel in general) to return!